Sunday, February 19, 2012

2/13-2/19: 92 Miles/Week

Very good week of training. A little less miles than last week goes a long way. I felt fresher on my runs, and was ready to attack a demanding track session on Wednesday. I also felt good on my long run.

Mon: PM: easy slow run with Mickey 8.5 miles

Tues: AM: 8.5 miles, PM: 6 miles

Wed: PM: TRACK LT WORKOUT: 4 mile warm up, 4800(15:10), 3200(9:59), 1600(4:55), 1600(5:05), 2.5 mile cool down, 13.5 miles total

Thurs: AM: easy 7 miles

Fri: AM: easy 13 miles

Sat: AM: LONG RUN 21 MILES moderate, met with Matt at Pennyfield Lock, starting out at 7:00 pace and ran up the towpath to Sycamore Landing which brought us out to hilly River Road/Seneca Road. By then we were running 6:30s with the hills and turned back onto Riley's Lock Road and got back onto the towpath, dipping furthur into 6:15s, heading again back to Pennyfield. Matt finished once we got back to Pennyfield(about 17 miles) and I added on 4 more miles. I dipped into the 5:50s the last few miles and felt great. Total time 2:20, averaged 6:40 pace

Sun: AM: easy slow 14 miles

Total: 92 Miles

Next week will be around 100 miles with another demanding workout and a faster long run. In all honesty I'm looking foward to it.

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