Sunday, August 23, 2009

Aug 17-23: 89 Miles

Well I knew I was going to be close to 90 miles for the week. This was a great week of mileage. 89 Miles is my highest week since I can remember. It's great to have worked up to this point and seeing that my body can handle the higher mileage. My average mileage for the last 4 weeks has been 71 mpw. Today I did the longest run I have done since the marathon I ran in May. I met Jake, Jake2, Patrick Murphy, Dirk, Max, and Dickson for a terrific loop that started from the Barnes and Noble in Bethesda, down the CCT to the Towpath, through Georgetown, left on Rock Creek Parkway, all the way up to Beach Drive until turning left onto the Georgetown Branch trail back home. I would say the total distance was around 22 miles. We started off easy, then picked up the pace to a solid pace, then stopped for gatorade somewhere along Rock Creek Parkway. Later on the pace picked up some more, and we worked the hills up Beach Drive very well. After 2 hours I ran with Dickson a bit, letting Jake and Dirk go ahead. At this point though, I needed to ease up so eventually I let Dickson go ahead as well. I had a few minor side stitches here and there but they ended up going away, I think it was my body's response that I just needed to finish the rest of the run easy. I still felt like I got a solid workout in on top of the mileage I ran this week so it was a great run. I'd really like to build up to 110-115 miles in prep before the Marine Corps Marathon in Oct. But as for now, the next two weeks' mileage will be less than this week for sure, in preparation for a fast, flat half marathon in VA, the Va Beach Rock N Roll Half Marathon on September 6th. Oh and my girlfriend is awesome.

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