Sunday, May 1, 2011

The 15:00 Barrier

This past week I stepped the mileage down but got in a decent workout and a solid long run. The workout I did on Friday afternoon was a 4x1000m on the track with 200m walk rest. The first interval was a bit slow but the next three were more like the pace I wanted to hit.

1000m splits:

3:06 (slow-15:30 pace)

2:59 (target-14:55 pace)

3:00 (15:00 pace)

3:01 (15:05 pace)

3:00 is 15:00 pace for the 5000m and it is my goal to break that barrier. This workout was the first step in that direction but I need to do a few more at a bit faster to really nail it. I averaged 15:07 pace for the 1ks so it is getting there.

Sunday I did a nice AM long run with Murphy and Joe and we met at Old Angler's Inn to do an out and back, cruising on the way back somewhere in the 6:00's. Got in 16.5 miles or so. Only 52 miles this week but thats ok-next week will be more but more importantly I'll ramp the mileage up really high later this summer. I am aiming for a ton of miles this summer to gain a lot of strength and to really work on toughening my body up for the marathon.


  1. Don't do it (marathon). Look at all the success you are having in the shorter stuff. Let that 26.2 wait...

  2. Indeed Red Fox, you may very well be right, but my will to give it another shot because of some misplaced sense of belief may prevail.
